"We must be the change we want to see in the world."

— Mahatma Gandhi

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Good News Blog

Do you hold your breath every time you face the news?

Go ahead … exhale … breathe deeply.

Blue laptop screen that reads "GOOD NEWS BLOG"

Inclusive. Inspiring. Informative.

The Good News Blog brings you positive information related to Diversity & Inclusion. Here we will celebrate uplifting stories, insights from inspirational people, great resources for Inclusion Change Agents, and all things supporting respect, inclusion, equity and justice. Will you join in?

As for the rest of the news … Thanks to change agents everywhere, many ongoing inequities and injustices are now being exposed and challenged. We’ll share links to these news sources and more.

Ouch! Trainer’s Page

Ouch! Trainer’s Page

Check out the new Ouch! Trainer’s Page for better, easier and more reliable virtual access to the award-winning training Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts and Ouch! Your Silence Hurts.

Why it Matters …

Why it Matters …

When someone with the authority of a teacher, say, describes the world – and you are not in it – there is a moment of psychic disequilibrium, as if you looked into a mirror and saw nothing. — Adrienne Rich, Poet

Good News Blog!

Good News Blog!

Uplifting stories, insights from inspirational people, great resources for Inclusion Change Agents, and all things supporting respect, inclusion, equity and justice.

Hey, remember …

This blog is a GOOD news blog. No stereotypes, insults or hate talk, please.
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