"We must be the change we want to see in the world."

— Mahatma Gandhi

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Updated eLearning! Understanding the “T” in LGBTQ

How is your workplace educating about gender identity and gender expression? Are you prepared for situations related to transgender employees or customers? Is your workplace a safe and inclusive place? A LOT has changed. That’s why my friend Dr. Steve Yacovelli and I recreated Understanding the “T” in LGBTQ: Gender Identity & Gender Expression online training.


a self-paced, online learning program to understand gender identity and gender expression in your workplace … and beyond.


  • Explore the most important terms and concepts and gain answers to the most common questions related to gender identity and gender expression.
  • Identify inclusive and respectful behaviors as well as some non-respectful words and behaviors to avoid.
  • Gain knowledge and tools for addressing workplace situations related to gender identity and gender expression.


Our Program takes you on an 8-section journey to explore the concepts of gender identity and gender expression:



Meet our host, Jason (he/him/his), as he sets the stage with some definitions we’ll use throughout the program. “Gender Identity,” “Sexual Orientation” and “Gender Expression” are among the concepts explored in this section.


This section explores some interesting data about gender identity and gender expression. How many people in the U.S. identify as transgender? What did 27,000 transgender adults share about their experience? You’ll definitely leave this section with a WOW!


This section starts with the top five “whys” … why is it important for us to explore gender identity and gender expression in our workplace? Then both U.S. and Canadian laws involving gender identity and gender expression are shared to get a broader perspective of this important topic.


No … it’s not a quiz or test, but this section challenges you to explore what you know (and don’t know) when discussing gender identity and gender expression in your workplace. From identifying respectful and disrespectful words to picking “good advice” versus “bad advice” to consider, you’ll leave this section with inclusive ways to act and communicate.


In this workplace scenario, you’ll help George, a team leader, work with Brianna, a team member in his department who recently transitioned. It’s Brianna’s first day back at work after transitioning. What should George say and do to support Brianna and to address concerns from Brianna’s co-workers?


In this section we get to know Jason a bit better and explore his background and story. In addition, we go “beyond the binary,” further explore pronoun usage, and dive deeper into what “Q” means in relationship to LGBTQ+. For some participants these concepts are definitely a brain stretch!


The “Toolbox” is an optional, one-stop shop with lots of additional resources to dive deeper into the concepts of gender identity and gender expression. From legal tools to resources for transgender youth to strategies to be a better ally, you can spend a lot of time here building your competence.

8 —  SO, WHAT’S NEXT? 

Closing time! This final section summarizes the key concepts from our program, gives you some final suggestions and advice to be a more inclusive team member, and challenges you to reflect on and to apply what you’ve learned.


Program Author, Leslie Aguilar

© 2023, International Training and Development, LLC


Created in Collaboration with:

Dr. Steve Yacovelli
TopDog Learning Group

With many thanks to our subject matter experts and beta testers.

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