"We must be the change we want to see in the world."

— Mahatma Gandhi

Logotype that reads "DIVERSITY & INCLUSION CENTER"

Reprinted with permission from Mary T. Scott

Words have power.
How they are used have power.
Labels are decisions, judgements stated in small packages.

Labels stick.
Labels affect our thinking.
Labels can be limiting or liberating.

Labels affect how we view ourselves.
Labels affect how we view others.
Labels affect how we view others
we don’t even know.

Labels have power.

When we repeat them,
They affect what we (and others) think.
They affect what we (and others) feel toward someone.
They affect what we do and don’t do.
They affect how we interact with others.

You are more than the labels you assign to yourself.
You are more than the labels others assign to you.

Choose them wisely.
Use them selectively.
Be open to changing them.

You’re More Than a Label by Mary T. Scott

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